On Wednesday 29 January 2014 10:52:26 Robert J. Hansen wrote:
> > Well, it could be semi-automatic. I'm only talking about persona
> > certifications, which appear to be understood as verifying that the key
> > and the email address are under the control of the same person.
> I suspect the majority of GnuPG and PGP users could not tell you what
> a persona-level verification means.  Saying they appear to be
> understood as X appears to me to be a dangerous bit of conjecture.

Since gnupg does equate trust level 1/persona certification to an untrusted 
one, that should not be a problem IMO.

I like how this idea could mirror a "natural" web of trust - given proper MUA 
Under the assumption that an attacker can't reliably do a MITM attack on every 
message that is sent over an extended time period, you would place almost no 
trust in a fresh persona-certified key, but high trust in an old and 
frequently encountered key. The trust would grow with time (just like the 
trust into someone you know in real life).


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