But I do know loads of German's, which of course, with you making such statements, not only shows that you have a serious problem, if you have to offend people, just because you feel offended, but also shows how ignorant you are.

You are missing the point.

It is contemptible to believe that just because someone is descended from X, they must therefore possess trait Y. This is not how civilized people behave. We judge people on their own choices -- not their parentage. To do otherwise is the act of a barbarian.

Unlike you, I based my statement on what you said in your email, namely, that you got information from your father

Quoting you: "That your father was a highly positioned judge, would make you rather biased," to be specific. You didn't say that my information would be biased: you said that *I* am biased based on my father's job. And that's simply beyond the pale.

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