On Apr 8, 2014, at 1:48 AM, Johan Wevers <joh...@vulcan.xs4all.nl> wrote:

> On 07-04-2014 15:16, David Shaw wrote:
>> When you change preferences you add another selfsig for your
>> user ID that contains the new preferences.
>> If you want to make the old preferences go away completely,
>> you can simply delete the old selfsig via delsig
> Yers, that removes it completely from my keyring. That's not necessary
> and will be undone after the first sync with the keyservers anyway.
> However, is there a way to remove it from the exported key only - to
> keep the size of the exported key as small as possible? The export
> options didn't do that as list-packets showed.


  --export-options export-clean


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