Quantum cryptography was only discussed relating either to asymmetric
crypto, which AES isn't, or in relation to Grover's algorithm, which is
used to brute-force an algo.

Peter is correct, but a little clarification may be in order. Grover's is not a brute-forcing algorithm: it's a search algorithm. To turn Grover's into a brute-forcer you treat the entire keyspace as an extremely large database and you're searching through it to find one particular entry -- the key. If you get into more depth in quantum computation you'll see Grover's appear in lots of different contexts. It's an important and fundamental algorithm that has applicability far beyond crypto.

Let me repeat: Peter is completely correct. I just want to make sure people understand that although Grover's can be used to help brute-force a cipher, it is not itself a cryptographic algorithm. :)

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