++ 28/06/14 02:09 -0500 - Aaron Chelf:
>Okay so I'm using Open PGP software in conjunction with Thunderbird in
>Linux.  I've figured out about everything except the only way I can add
>public keys to my key ring so far is to save them as an attachment from
>an e-mail sent to me.
>How can I just copy a public key to my clipboard and add it to my key-ring?

If you are using the Enigmail plugin:


Search for:

  "Import Keys from File: will allow you to import a key/keys into your 
   keyring from a text file."


  "Search for Keys: allows you to search for a key on a keyserver. 

Rejo Zenger
E r...@zenger.nl | P +31(0)639642738 | W https://rejo.zenger.nl  
T @rejozenger | J r...@zenger.nl
OpenPGP   1FBF 7B37 6537 68B1 2532  A4CB 0994 0946 21DB EFD4
XMPP OTR  271A 9186 AFBC 8124 18CF  4BE2 E000 E708 F811 5ACF

Attachment: pgpFSMKEZ5lRT.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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