I installed keepassx. Not much use to me.
1. Illegible with my eyesight (reported to them)
2. Insufficient fields (seems to be non expandable).


On 22 November 2014 02:37, Doug Barton <dougb@dougbarton.email> wrote:
> Hash: SHA256
> On 11/20/14 10:40 AM, Dave Pawson wrote:
> | Requirement. Two machines (one Linux, one Windows).
> |
> | I want a secure file 'shared' between them, as a pwd-safe.
> |
> | Only I use the two machines, but need the file encrypted.
> |
> | Any alternatives to symmetrical encryption of a file?
> Either symmetric or PK encryption would suit your needs, but as
> someone pointed out already, a better solution is to use a password safe.
> KeePass is an excellent solution, and I use the same password db
> between Windows, Linux, and OS X (not in that order). :)  You want to
> use the lowest common denominator format between those systems, which
> at this point is the 1.28 version for Windows, and the keepassx
> version that comes with most Linux distributions (I use Ubuntu
> primarily). For OS X it gets a little trickier, since the version that
> includes auto-type is community sourced, but the person who produces
> it is well trusted, and a lot of people use it.
> Schneier had an interesting blog post recently about password safes,
> with a link to papers that did extensive research on them. KeePass
> came out looking pretty good, as one of the key problems with most
> password safes is that if the auto-type is truly automatic, it can be
> triggered by malicious software and grab your passwords off the
> clipboard in windows. While KeePass does have an auto-type feature,
> you have to trigger the key sequence to use it, and that sequence is
> user-configurable. And obviously you don't want to use solutions like
> LastPass, where your stuff is stored in their cloud. The question of
> "What if they get hacked?" is no longer academic, since it happened
> recently.
> For synchronization between systems I use SpiderOak, which also has
> clients for all 3 platforms. KeePass already encrypts the db file, and
> SpiderOak, unlike most "cloud storage" platforms, encrypts the files
> it backs up locally (on your system) with a special key that the
> company does not know. The upload channel is encrypted to their
> servers as well, so your data is never available in the clear. Because
> they don't know the encryption key your data is never de-duplicated
> with other people's stuff, although if you set up folder
> synchronization between systems the same files will be de-duplicated
> within your own account.
> ... and speaking of folder synchronization, one of the things I like
> about SpiderOak is that you can set up arbitrary folders to
> synchronize between systems, you don't have to put all of your stuff
> in one folder. You can also configure it to exclude certain files from
> syncing, which is handy to avoid synching the .lock file for KeePass. :)
> http://keepass.info/index.html
> https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2014/09/security_of_pas.html
> If you use this link to sign up for SpiderOak, I get free space. :)
> https://spideroak.com/signup/referral/25c4971714a13f13c24fa98a43317dc2/
> Or, here is the regular link, if you prefer:
> https://spideroak.com/
> hope this helps,
> Doug
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