Thank you very much for all the explanation/links. Now things are bit clear.
Now I have to encrypt file with partner's Public Key. I tried with below 
command which is still showing warning message (gpg: 89709B71: There is no 
assurance this key belongs to the named user) whereas if I am checking 
partner_pubkey, it's showing full trust. How can I remove this message. Even I 
have added partner's public key as trusted.

./gpg --encrypt --recipient partner_pubkey --armor /tmp/test/data.CSV


-----Original Message-----
From: Bob (Robert) Cavanaugh []
Sent: 19 December 2014 23:43
To: Haritwal, Dhiraj; gnupgpacker;
Subject: RE: Unable to encrypt file with private/public key

You need to clarify your terminology: Key pairs are composed of public and 
private keys. Each person generates a key pair. You freely distribute the 
PUBLIC key to any and all, you keep your PRIVATE key secret. When you use 
asymmetric encryption, you encrypt to each separate PUBLIC key for whom you 
send the message. So if you have three people you are sending the encrypted 
message to, you will encrypt three separate times. If you have the keys on a 
keyring the process is automatic. When you receive an encrypted message, you 
decrypt using your PRIVATE key. If you generate a digital signature, you sign a 
message using your PRIVATE key.  If you use symmetric encryption, your key 
pairs are not involved. You generate a passphrase that is converted into a key 
used internally by GPG. Both encryption and decryption must use the same 

You can also generate subkeys based on your original key pair which can be 
assigned individual functions (signing only, encrypting, etc.). This is not 
required but in many instances recommended. Use the GPG default settings 
whenever possible.

Does this clear things up?


Bob Cavanaugh

-----Original Message-----
From: Gnupg-users [] On Behalf Of Haritwal, 
Sent: Friday, December 19, 2014 2:36 AM
To: gnupgpacker;
Subject: RE: Unable to encrypt file with private/public key

Thanks for the clarification, Chris. I got confused with recipient switch. In 
general (Exchange), Recipient is the one to whom we are sending the data or who 
will receive data. In our case we are sending the data to partner hence I was 
using partner's public key to encrypt the file. After I used my private key, 
the warning has gone & the file is encrypted in .asc format.

One more query, partner is saying they are unable to decrypt this file with my 
private key which they have trusted & asking to encrypt this file with my 
private key & their public key (already trusted on my server). when I am suing 
both the key identifier's, giving some syntax error. Kindly suggest how can I 
do this.


-----Original Message-----
From: Gnupg-users [] On Behalf Of 
Sent: 19 December 2014 15:32
Subject: Unable to encrypt file with private/public key

* PGP Signed by an unknown key


You encrypt a message with recipient's public key, no password is required.
(Password is only known by recipient.)

You sign a message with your own private key, you must admit your private key's 

Regards, Chris
(RSA-Testkey 0x3E2E0598)

> What I have
> learned so far from these threads is Signing always require a
> passphrase whereas encryption can be done without Passphrase & it requires a 
> Key.
> Correct me if my understand is not correct.
> I was doing a mistake. I
> was trying to encrypt the file with Partner Key hence it was showing
> the warning. While sending the file to partner I have to use my own
> key which I have share with them to decrypt it.

* Unknown Key
* 0xD64D3126(L)

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