Hash: SHA512

On 03/01/2015 06:01 PM, Marco Zehe wrote:
> Hi Kristian,
>> Am 01.03.2015 um 17:54 schrieb Kristian Fiskerstrand 
>> <kristian.fiskerstr...@sumptuouscapital.com>:
>> Since the author's first reaction was closing it WONTFIX I didn't
>>  bother, with that kind of behavior they can't possibly take 
>> security seriously.
> Error in judgement that has since been corrected. These things 
> sometimes happen, but this should definitely not be generalized.

fair enough, but it does tell something about culture that it happens,
even if corrected.

>> (ii) Ditto for the issue of replacing the subkeys, as key
>> rotation would not be automatically taken into consideration and
>> would have to be uploaded manually to each bugzilla
>> implementation using that flawed piece of software (the
>> securemail extension, not bugzilla itself).
> Yes, these instances are all acting independently, there is no 
> exchange between totally unrelated Bugzilla instances.

And there shouldn't be interaction between the various bugzilla
instances, but there should be lookups to keyserver networks
(preferably to a locally controlled keyserver to avoid certain
information leakages, but that is another matter). In my own case I'm
on some 10-15 bugzillas, with at least an annual rotation of the
encryption subkey of my main key, meaning I have to manually update
the key in these instances (that currently involve manual key
splitting and pasting non-conforming OpenPGP data) on the bugzillas
that have enabled it. Another issue with the current implementation,
btw, is that there is no way to define group based keys (see gpg's
- --group) , so aliases can't be used e.g. for an alias such as
security@participant.invalid, this should be integrated into the
already existing group restriction possibility in bugzilla), which
ironically will send unencrypted email messages fondly even though
something is restricted...

- -- 
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Kristian Fiskerstrand
Blog: http://blog.sumptuouscapital.com
Twitter: @krifisk
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Public OpenPGP key 0xE3EDFAE3 at hkp://pool.sks-keyservers.net
fpr:94CB AFDD 3034 5109 5618 35AA 0B7F 8B60 E3ED FAE3
- ----------------------------
Veni vidi velcro
I came, I saw, I got stuck


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