Hi all,

On my workstation, I have installed cygwin and GPG4win which is
bundled with a version of gpg-agent (cygwin comes whith oldies and
no gpg-agent AFAICS).

I enabled ssh support in the gpg-agent.conf file as usual and I
clearly see the socket files for both GNUpg and SSH.

When starting a cygwin terminal and trying to decrypt one file using
gpg --decrypt file.gpg, pinentry comes in and asks for my passphrase
(and then cache it into gpg-agent).

On the other hand, trying to add an identify file into the agent

It tells it can't connect to the agent.
In fact, after hours of trial and errors, I gave up launching
ssh-agent manually.

Do you know a way to fix that and only use gpg-agent as my sole agent
entry point for both gpg and ssh ?

-- Xavier.

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