On 2015-03-13 19:54, Doug Barton wrote:
But it is a
major source of frustration when folks take comments out of context to
use the tiniest bit of leverage with which to forward an agenda.


It is true, text is a truly god awful medium to communicate in.

We are apparently completely unaware of each other's intentions. I honestly thought you thought a disadvantage of using a smartcard is that you lose the key once it breaks. It quite surprised me, but I've seen smart people have odd misconceptions of things[1], so I simply sought to rectify it.

Let's put this whole thing to rest. Nobody thinks you can't have a backup of a smartcard key, nobody thinks that a smartcard without a backup is a useless thing, and we should all go and read a nice book. Perhaps even for the third time, in my case. It's a nice book!


[1] Sometimes in the mirror ;P

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