
On my system both gnupg 1.4.19 and 2.1.2 are installed.  I'm still
trying to track down what needs what.

gnupg2 seems to have attempted to automatically migrate my DB from an
older version to a newer version on first execution.  However, it
seems to have failed:

gpg: starting migration from earlier GnuPG versions
gpg: porting secret keys from '/home/berend/.gnupg/secring.gpg' to gpg
gpg: keydb_get_keyblock failed: Value not found
gpg: key 77731557: failed to re-lookup public key
gpg: keydb_get_keyblock failed: Value not found
gpg: migration succeeded

Five keys failed like this.

Right now gnupg1 works, but gnupg2 does not.  With that, I mean gnupg1
can decrypt, but gnupg2 cannot decrypt the same files.  The reason
seems to be a failure to read or accept certain secret keys.

gnupg1 --list-secret-keys lists 6 secret keys.  Some are old.  One is
expired.  Two are "active" for different e-mail accounts.

gnupg2 --list-secret-keys lists 1 secret key.

Attempting to re-import the DB, using gpg2 --import secring-old.gpg

gpg: keydb_get_keyblock failed: Value not found
gpg: key 77731557: public key "[User ID not found]" imported
gpg: key 77731557: failed to re-lookup public key

gnupg2 --list-keys lists a key as:

pub ... date
uid [unknown] name email
sub ... date

gnupg1 --list-keys doesn't print [unknown]

I do have backups :)  Is this salvageable?


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