On 05/19/2015 06:51 AM, Michelle Gmail wrote:
> U cheated, u lied, u manipulated me, u destroyed my credit the
> apartment , my life ur beautiful daughter that's so happy and just
> loves for us all to be together, ur stepson now can not get a
> birthday gift because I do not know how I will be able to pay rent or
> other bills or food , we can not even afford another apartment, what
> U have done was so cold as if we just all met, then u lied repeatedly
> too u were blue in the face denying u had a girlfriend and denied
> that all those things I said weren't true BUT THEY WERE. The planning
> u did the roll u played was as if u believed ur own lies and no one I
> mean no one would ever understand what u did to me and the kids. It
> wasn't something that a normal adult would do. Well let's go on then
> u developed a pretty dependent habit but u were after years later
> still not wanting to do anything for urself but u expected and wanted
> whenever u asked. U took took took u ran me dry then u moved on as if
> we didn't exsist but the crazy thing is u played a role as if u were
> this nice guy that did so much for me and with the kids but in fact u
> did not u verbally tortured me for hours with name calling and ur
> gossip talk about ur co workers ALL OF THEN!!!! I did so much more
> than what u have me credit for, and the blaming all ur mistakes on me
> daily cuz jason Boyer does no wrong. I'm gonna say I was warned my
> many people in which some had proof about ur problem. But I said he
> was young and gave u the benefit of doubt haha And then wow I mean
> WOW what I just lived more do past few months since u met girlfriend
> was by far the strangest behavior I have ever seen, I seen on jerry
> springer and all but never did I ever think that an individual would
> do something like this to his girl and family intentional. Oh yes
> hard to believe but believe it cuz he won't stop trying to destroye
> as if I was the one cheating but I wasn't but he's treating his
> family mostly myself as if I committed this horrible horrible crime
> that affected him in a way that he is so messed up now. But nooooo
> everyone that indeed is not true ither this is the strangest behavior
> I have ever witness. He played the role of the good guy and the one
> who loved me sooo much and did everything w kids and his family but
> no no None of that is true especially since he met his sugar mama it
> was total ignore the kids day after day as well as the verbal abuse
> got worse and worse

It looks something like plain text, but I cannot figure out how to
decrypt it.

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