Hello all,

I have just done a clean install of Debian 8.0 on an i7-4790K with 16 GB RAM.
I am trying to install GNUPG 2.1.4
(I have this thing about wanting the latest version… call me crazy)

I have done this before in Debian Wheezy. I install all of the latest libraries 
(in order), and the install GnuPg 2.1
The problem is that Debian 8.0 (Jessie) comes with GnuPG version 2.0.26

It appears that when I go through the motions of installing 2.1.4, it leaves 
things untouched.
after I’m done:
#gpg2 —version
returns: 2.0.26
And then I read that 2.0.26 and 2.1.4 cannot co-exist.

OK, so now I am trying to remove 2.0.26

However, when I try to remove it using package manager it wants to also remove 
a whole host of other software.

So I tried using apt-get remove gnupg

I get an ominous warning that the following packages will be REMOVED
apt apt-listchanges apt-utils gnome gnupg python-reporting... etc. etc.
This should NOT be done unless you know exactly what you are doing (which I 
apt gnupg (due to apt)
 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed , 14 to remove, and 0 not upgraded
You are about to do something potentially harmful
Type: Yes, do as I say!

Will all this stuff reinstall itself when I re-install GnuPG 2.1.4?
Is there any way to do a targeted removal of 2.0.26 to make room for 2.1.4 
without removing all the other things?
Is there a way to UPGRADE from 2.0.26 to the latest version (2.1.4)?

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Rex Kneisley
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