On Tue, 28 Jul 2015 20:46, 2014-667rhzu3dc-lists-gro...@riseup.net said:

> Unless at least some of the major email providers were to provide a
> means for these DNS entries to be added, any DNS-based approach has
> very limited potential.

Right, but is the only solid way of doing it.  The provider already have
the infrastructure to maintain the mail account and thus the costs of
adding a new data field a marginal.

Of course one could setup a service to do this for example by appending
foo.gnupg.net to the mail address before the lookup.  However this
introduces a lot of costs (user help desk), annoyance (the user need to
register with that service), and centralization.

> A person cannot usually dictate which mail provider is used by the
> people with whom they exchange messages.

Iff enough people are interested in confidential mail communication
competition will force all providers to add this.



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