On Sun, Aug 16, 2015 at 11:24:38AM -0700, Schlacta, Christ wrote:
> I'll reiterate that there's really no such thing as unwanted signatures.
> The more signatures on a key,  the stronger the Web of Trust. End of story.
> Please try to understand that no signature is inherently unwanted. Your
> proposal, in any form,  would weaken gpg on the whole by increasing the
> already high burden on users to maintain their keys.

With all due respect, but why should a GnuPG user not been allowed to decide
by him/herself which signatures he/she likes to have on his/her pub key? 
I don't get it, seriously. BTW. maybe a language barrier, but an unwanted 
signature for me is a signature which contains crap or false content which 
does not help the Web of Trust in any way and which i or others don't like
to see on our public keys.

P.S. last post for today, getting late here.


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