1.  A new user contacted me via email to point out there was no FAQ
    entry about whether there's anything to be done about a lost
    passphrase.  I added a FAQ entry for this, with text that basically
    amounted to "if you truly can't remember your passphrase then we
    can't help you, revoke your certificate with a pre-made revocation
    certificate and start anew."  If anyone has better suggestions (that
    don't amount to "well, have you tried all permutations of what you
    think the passphrase was?"), please let me know.  :)

2.  GNU contacted me via email asking for a FAQ entry about how to use
    GnuPG to verify downloaded software.  This was present in a prior
    iteration of the FAQ but not this re-written one, so I figured it
    was an unobjectionable addition.

I would normally present things on the list before pushing to Git, but
GNU's keen on a fast turnaround on #2.  If you're interested in the FAQ,
give it a day or so for the HTML version of it to get generated and
check out the new entries.

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