On Tue, 8 Dec 2015 22:47:19 +0000
MFPA <2014-667rhzu3dc-lists-gro...@riseup.net> wrote:

Hello MFPA,

>I suggested he delete my key and re-import it. He tells me he tried
>that twice and it didn't help. It's a mystery to me.

It's the same for me;  A re-import of your key still results in an
error(1).  I've checked some (locally) archived emails from you
(received via this list) and they verify fine.  Obviously, something's
changed, but IDK what.  Whatever the change, it occurred between 15 Nov
and 7 Dec.  I have a message from the earlier date that verifies and a
message from the latter date that doesn't.  Consequently, I believe the
issue is something other than your keyfile.

If it helps, I use a self-compiled (from GIT) Claws Mail as my MUA.

(1) Different error message "The signature can't be checked - End of

 Regards  _
         / )           "The blindingly obvious is
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