On 7 April 2016 at 15:40, Werner Koch <w...@gnupg.org> wrote:
> On Wed,  6 Apr 2016 17:33, philip.col...@linaro.org said:
>> However, with version 2.1.11, it isn't working. Enabling debug options
>> where I can find them gives me this output:
> Please enable debugging for dirmngr and restart dirmngr.  All network
> access is done via the dirmngr daemon which is started when needed.

I've configured debugging for dirmngr in dirmngr.conf as follows:

debug-level guru

dirmngr is running with its homedir set to the directory containing
that conf file.

If I should be doing something different to get more debugging info
out of dirmngr, please clarify. At the moment, the only information I
seem to be getting is:

gpg: DBG: chan_4 <- ERR 167772346 No keyserver available <Dirmngr>

Which doesn't really tell me much, and I cannot figure out where in
the source code this is happening.



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