On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 1:17 AM, Pete Stephenson <p...@heypete.com> wrote:

> On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 12:14 AM, Robert J. Hansen <r...@sixdemonbag.org>
> wrote:
> > Dashamir, this list has very few rules.  I'm grateful for that, really.
> > One of the few rules that must be obeyed, though, is "we will not
> > advocate non-libre software or products here".
> Out of curiosity, where are these rules defined?
> The list information page
> <https://lists.gnupg.org/mailman/listinfo/gnupg-users> doesn't make
> any mention of such a rule.
> Certainly, there are basic rules of netiquette that should ideally be
> universally known and followed (don't send spam, don't flame people,
> etc.), but "don't advocate non-libre software or products" isn't one
> of them. I understand wanting to keep discussions related to GnuPG and
> related subjects, so advocating or discussing third-party services may
> be considered off-topic, but you seem to be referring to a more
> specific rule.

I agree with Pete (and Werner). This list is about help and discussion
to GnuPG. Everything else is off-topic (including this message).
Thanks Pete.
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