
Le 2016-12-05 à 00:03, Peter Lebbing a écrit :
> I am asking for your thoughts on a variant of the organization of the
> keysigning party. I'll explain my reasoning and intentions, and I would
> like to know if you think I forgot to think of something important. Is
> there a way a malicious party could get people to sign the wrong UID,
> because I didn't think of that way? I'm not interested in ways people
> could cheat at the usual "informal" keysigning party model, with
> exchanging paper keyslips. This is because this would be my fallback
> model, if the proposed model doesn't work out. So I'm only interested in
> cases where the proposed model introduces extra issues compared to the
> informal exchanging keyslips model.

Given the discussion on the list before, now that CCC has come and gone
I'm curious as to how well this worked.  Is it an innovation worth


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