On February 21, 2017 9:34:17 AM EST, "Gerd v. Egidy" 
<gerd.von.eg...@intra2net.com> wrote:
>I'd like to announce a program I wrote to backup GnuPG and SSH keys as 
>qrcodes on paper:

Just wanted to say thanks for sharing your work. As for paperkey, I have an RSA 
4096 bit key. Without paperkey, the output for my key was around 23-24 pages. 
With paperkey (using base64 output), the output was around 19 pages, so the 
benefit was minimal. Also, the first time I tried, the decode process kept 
failing on one barcode from the output pdf, but I re-encoded it and tried again 
and the decode process verified correctly. The ability of zbar to process the 
images directly from the pdf was impressive IMO.
Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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