On 4/4/17 5:22 AM, Mauricio Tavares wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 3, 2017 at 10:27 PM, Robert J. Hansen <r...@sixdemonbag.org> 
> wrote:
>>> What do you mean by "will be better served by avoiding them"? What's the
>>> reservation?
>> Imagine we're in a restaurant and you ask me, "Should I order the
>> pizza?"  Well, beats heck out of me.  I don't know you from Adam, I
>> don't know your personal tastes, I don't even know if you're hungry.  So
>> I shrug and say, "Sure, if you like pizza."  You may think that's a
>> useless answer, but the question was no champ, either.
>       I think a better example would be "I've never ate a pizza
> before. Should I try it?"
>> Should you get a smartcard?  Sure, if you need one.  But I don't know
>> how you expect me, or anyone else here, to be able to give a more
>> precise answer than that.  Only you can make those decisions about your
>> local security policy.
>       On the OP's defense, I do not think he understands enough of
> multifactor authentication in general and smartcards vs other
> alternatives specifically to answer the question. And this is probably
> what he had in mind with his rather poorly worded original question.

Yes, sadly this is true, but I'm reading everything in sight trying to
get up to speed. Security sites are littered with trashy, half-true,
jargon ridden, gobbledegook, with a few gems here and there and a lot of
it is so not newb friendly. Admittedly, I'm not your average user, just
an uninformed one in the security realm, still, the going is a bit
rough. I appreciate y'alls patience as I get up to speed. I'll try not
to be a bore.

>> Smartcards haven't fallen out of vogue, but they're also not useful to
>       I will add that the "Are smartcards out of vogue?" question has
> an loaded question taste to it. So, Will, what made you conclude that
> smartcards are going the same place as 8-track and Betamax tapes?
The kernelconcepts website has this banner:
Soon the shop will return ... until then, please order the old-fashioned
way by sending an email to or...@kernelconcepts.de.

So I emailed them and waited a week with no response. I then went
looking for alternatives and found many sites that referred to that site
as their distributor. Regarding the yubikey, I read a post that
expressed some doubts about recent versions (completely unsubstantiated,
but data of a sort nonetheless). Amazon didn't offer much in the way of
product. Based on limited evidence I thought I should ask y'all. Hence
the pointedness of the question. In retrospect, my original email would
have been MUCH different :).



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