On 17-06-12 05:45 PM, Stefan Claas wrote:
> On 12.06.17 22:35, Robert J. Hansen wrote:
>>> Is there something like a Standard Operating Procedure for GnuPG
>>> available, which fulfills security experts demands, and which can
>>> easily be adapted by an average GnuPG user, regardless of platform 
>>> and client he/she uses?
>> No.  More to the point, there can't be.  Each user faces threats
>> specific to that user; each user is responsible for their own threat
>> modeling.
>> But follow the steps I outlined before and you'll significantly improve
>> your online security.  You won't be perfect -- there is no such thing as
>> perfection.  You won't be a hardened target -- that takes a lot of work.
>>  But follow those steps and you'll have taken care of the easy ways that
>> your machine can be compromised.
> Thank you very much for your advise, much appreciated!
> Regards
> Stefan
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I'm not one of the many experts on the list you refer to so you'll have
to judge for yourself the usefulness of my procedures.  Comments from
more experienced users welcome as well, of course, and some very
experienced users have given you very good advice already.

Some of things I do include setting a password on the BIOS and HD and
turning my computer off when I'm not using it.  My reason for those
steps is that I am hoping it would introduce enough of a roadblock that
should someone gain physical access to my computer (a laptop) they would
need to take it with them in order to compromise it.

I also don't click on any links in emails. As well, I don't open any PDF
files I don't trust.

I believe also that it's important to consider what operating system you
use.  Some people believe that with certain OSs you are compromised the
minute you install said OS and are actually fulfilling the role of
Mallory against yourself.  This is to say that I believe Open Source is
beneficial not that it is the complete solution.

I would also add one word about USB sticks:  It is very difficult to
know if they've been compromised and there are no tell-tale signs when
an attack is taking place.  I never put a USB in my computer that has
been used on a computer I don't own.
Best Regards,

Duane Whitty

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