On Sat, 5 Aug 2017 13:14:13 +0100, MFPA wrote:

> For Facebook, pasting in the signed and/or encrypted message and
> clicking "post" is the simplest way.

Well, to me the formatting then looks a bit ugly. :-)

I also tried it again with a document created with Text Wrangler under
OS X, clear signed it and copy and pasted the file in Facebook.

But when importing back and verifying it i get:

gpg: invalid armor header: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing\n gpg: invalid armor 

> > I found out that with short GnuPG clear signed messages a good way
> > to do that is to encode the message in the popular QR-Code format.  
> I don't use Twitter but converting text to a QR code and posting it as
> an image is an interesting way around the 140-character limit. There
> are also plenty of mobile phone apps around that will read or generate
> QR codes, so people don't need to jump through too many hoops to read
> the message.

That was the main idea behind it, because i know a lot of well known
security / privacy experts are on Twitter and maybe they find this
little tip useful.



Attachment: pgpixOyqIU7Gz.pgp
Description: Digitale Signatur von OpenPGP

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