On Mon 2017-09-18 20:45:52 +0200, Grzegorz Kulewski wrote:

> I am working on a project (in Python and bash) that requires me to use
> GPG in "headless mode" to generate keys and edit OpenPGP smartcard (to
> set some properties and transfer some of the generated keys). This
> includes transfering any passwords and PINs from my program to GPG,
> instead of requiring user to enter them using pinentry.
> I wonder what method of integration of GPG with such project is best,
> most future-proof and recommended and are there any other advices you
> may give me?

GnuPG upstream developers tend to recommend the use of GPGME for system
integration projects that require a stable interface.

If you're using python, the GnuPG team maintains gpgme bindings for
python, available in debian and debian-derived systems (e.g. ubuntu) as

I don't know how much smartcard interaction gpgme supports, though.



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