On Fri, 22 Sep 2017 20:29:07 +0200, Werner Koch wrote:
> On Fri, 22 Sep 2017 19:23, stefan.cl...@posteo.de said:
> > O.k. i just tested a bit and this is a bug int the Web Interface
> > and in GnuPG's CLI Interface.   
> I don't see a bug here.

Now i am a bit confused... Then maybe a "funny" design flaw? I mean
what should users unfamiliar with the whole WoT procedure may
think when seeing a fake "sig3" (which they may not spot) and then
clicking on the key-id in question, which then links to the original

> However, given that you use Posteo, you are in the good position to
> use the Web Key Directory feature.  This requires 2.2.1 because we
> had to add some workaround for key upload due to changes at Posteo
> which we didn't caught earlier.  So people sending mail to you using
> a GnuPG 2.2 would find your key instantly.  It is not there right now:
>   /usr/local/libexec/gpg-wks-client -v --check stefan.claas at posteo
> de gpg-wks-client: public key for 'stefan.cl...@posteo.de' NOT found
> via WKD

Well, as i mentioned previously i have have no longer access to my key,
due to my stupidness. I may consider to create a new one for posteo
usage, but this may take a while.
> You may use the latest Enigmail or Kmail to automate the upload but
> you can also use Posteo's Web interface to upload the key.  But take
> care: Posteo does not allow a Name in the user id, only the mail
> address (addr-spec) is allowed.  Thus you need to add a second user
> id with just your mailaddress and use gpg's filter stuff to export
> only that UID. GnuPG 2.2.1 automates that tasks and creates another
> user if needed.
> If you want to test this feature you may send a mail to clara.chefin
> at posteo de, which is a test account of us.  (You can also write to
> the owner of Posteo to ask him why they still have an invalid
> certificate for posteo.net addresses ;-).

O.k thanks for the info. When time permits i will check this out.



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