On 05/02/18 16:41, Lightner, Jeffrey wrote:
> 3) The command line we used to do the encryption without the new flag was:
> /usr/bin/gpg --always-trust --armor --recipient <RECIPIENT> -o 
> <BASEFILENAME.dat.asc> --encrypt <BASEFILENAME.dat.txfr>
> Where <BASEFILENAME.dat.asc> is the encrypted file and 
> <BASEFILENAME.dat.txfr> is the original unencrypted file.
> 4) The command line with the new flag:
> /usr/bin/gpg --exit-on-status-write-error --always-trust --armor --recipient 
> <RECIPIENT BANK ID> -o <BASEFILENAME.dat.asc> --encrypt 
> <BASEFILENAME.dat.txfr>

While you are waiting for someone who knows what's going on to answer, I
think you should try to add --batch to the command line. Any
non-interactive use of the gpg binary always needs to have --batch. The
same pretty much goes for --with-colons, I don't know whether or how you
interpret output from gpg, but --with-colons gives you the
machine-readable form.

It's possible that it behaves a bit more pleasantly for this problem
with --batch, as it now understands that it's being used as such.



I use the GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG) in combination with Enigmail.
You can send me encrypted mail if you want some privacy.
My key is available at <http://digitalbrains.com/2012/openpgp-key-peter>

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