On Mon, 26 Feb 2018 05:40, e...@norma.perm.ru said:

> I'm trying to learn how to use gpg/libgcrypt with GOST cryptography
> (actually I'm moving from openssl, where GOST is deprecated due to
> poor code quality to the gpg/libgcrypt software, where GOST is present
> since 1.7.0), and since the entire crypoto subsystem is (from my point

You can't use GOST with gpg becuase OpenPGP does not specify it.  For
gpgsm it would be possible to add support for GOST but we can do that
only if there is an RFC for adding GOST to PKIX _and_ if we are able to
test against an established certificate infrastructure.  The latter is
even problematic for DSA and ECC.



#  Please read:  Daniel Ellsberg - The Doomsday Machine  #
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