
GnuPG is also available as PortableApp.


Am 07.12.18 um 17:05 schrieb Ángel:
> On 2018-12-07 at 13:04 +0100, Jan Kamracki wrote:
>> Hello!
>> I need a GPG/PGP version running from the command line for Win32/64
>> bits.
>> Something like PGP5i.
>> I wanted to generate a pair of keys and send someone a gpg.exe/pgp.exe
>> + public key, so that he could encrypt a file without any installation
>> PGP/GPG and send it to me.
>> What do you propose?
> Point them to https://www.gpg4win.org/
> I think you could extract the command line binaries and run them as
> portable apps, but actually, I think it would be easier for them to run
> the installer and have a nice GUI app rather than a cli app.
> Not to mention that, if you expected to send them gpg.exe by email so
> that they could reply with an encrypted mail, (a) you are setting a very
> bad precedent expecting them to run an arbitrary executable they
> received from an untrusted medium and (b) the mail server would most
> likely block your message anyway.
> Best regards
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Juergen Bruckner

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