On Wed, 30 Jan 2019 20:22:35 +0100, Peter Lebbing wrote:
> On 30/01/2019 16:33, Stefan Claas wrote:

> > Maybe one needs to use a special font ...  
> Oh, most definitely.

But which one ... ;-) I may check this again with a friend.

> In this day and age, I'd probably look at a two-dimensional barcode
> instead.

The new jabcode (color barcode) from Germany's Fraunhofer Institute
is pretty cool, because it stores much more data then traditional b / w
codes. And it can withstand jpeg artifacts when converted back to .png!

> Supposing I would even consider sending OpenPGP data on paper :-). Other
> than key backups, where I'd opt for the program paperkey rather than
> barcodes.

Paperkey is good, but seriously we should also research this topic
a bit, because it might come in handy. And it would be interesting
to see with what solutions people would come up.

On the other side i wish PGPfone would have been further developed.
I found it, way back then, pretty cool and super easy to use, compared
to PGP or GnuPG.


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