
On Sun, Mar 10, 2019 at 01:25:41AM -0500, Konstantin Boyandin wrote:
> Question: how do I keep several GnuPG versions installed, every
> version with its own gpg-agent?

A Gpg-agent is tied to a specific home directory (as specified in the
GNUPGHOME environment variable or through the --homedir option of gpg),
so all you have to is to make sure you use a separate home directory for
each version you want to use.

For example, assuming you have installed version X of GnuPG under
$HOME/myprogs/gnupg-X, create a directory to use as the home directory
for that version (say, $HOME/gnupg-homes/X), then you can start using
that version by running the following:

  export GNUPGHOME=$HOME/gnupg-homes/X
  $SHELL -i

You'll start a new shell in which all GnuPG invocations will use the
binaries from the X version and the keyrings and other associated files
from the indicated home directory. Simply exit that shell to use again
your system-provided GnuPG in the normal home directory.

Hope that helps,

- Damien

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