Andrew Gallagher wrote:

> On 2019/07/01 16:26, Stefan Claas via Gnupg-users wrote:
> > I use encryption tools *offline*
> > on my Notebook and then copy/paste the encrypted messages
> > into CoolTerm to transfer them then via my USB to USB Nullmodem
> > cable to my online computer. :-)
> That seems excessively baroque. What's your threat model? Is it really
> so dire that Tails isn't sufficiently sandboxed for you?

My thread model is actually low, but my Linux Notebook was recently
hacked and I don't trust my Windows 10 PC. I also had a couple of
days ago a "nice" thing happen, that when sending a messsage in German
from my VPS it arrived with other text content in Cyrillic at Gmail,
in real time, so to speak. Cool, eh?

Regardless if Tails or Linux etc. I no longer do encryption / decription
with online computers.

Seriously I think when using crypto tools in cli mode then users
should also try to do that offline and "celebrate" a bit the encryption /
decription procedure, unless of course they have a business running with
plenty of messages per day.

> >> You can't script a GUI, but you can GUI a CLI - and there is no shortage
> >> of decent GUI interfaces for GnuPG.
> > 
> > I am aware of that, but I do have (Golang) tools which work as cli
> > tools and they can be used with an extra written GUI program, if
> > someone likes to do so. Very handy!
> I agree that's the way user interfaces should be, but now I'm unclear
> what your complaint about GnuPG is, given that it's a CLI tool
> optionally wrapped in a GUI interface.

Sorry, there was no complaining intended from my side.


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