Dear Forum,

GNUPG Users Digest is nearly flooding my mailbox with exchanges about the WoT and keyserver issues.

A simple user (me) needs to know how one could make adaptations in the settings of GPA or Kleopatra. I would expect instructions here:
or perhaps here:
*There are not.*

Hansen's and DKG's blog are only partly helpful. For example my Linux system seems to *not* have a  ~/.gnupg/dirmngr.conf file at all (one of those files recommended for editing). I.e. Nautilus cannot find it. So, I did adapt gpg.conf by outcommenting (#) any line starting with keyserver, but was not able to adapt the dirmngr.conf. Upon inspection, thereafter, my GPA and Kleopatra were NOT correctly configured.

Trying to figure out how GPA and Kleopatra could be adapted, I found, for GPA: Menu > Edit > Backend preferences > Network > Configuration for Keyservers > Use custom value > adapt to hkps:// For Kleopatra: Menu > Settings > Configure Kleopatra > Directory Services > Open PGP Keyserver > adapt to hkps:// (I would have included an inline screenshot, but this list is allergic to html)

Apparently these GUI manipulations generated the ~/.gnupg/dirmngr.conf file! (Only hereafter they existed). And that file indeed showed the new keyserver.

GPG4Win and Enigmail need further research. (This is a suggestion. I cannot do it).

And further, I would have expected a program update that sets the defaults to the ones suggested by Hansen and DKG. Or is the matter still under consideration, or is it not that important? (I personally cannot judge it).

The only hint that I can give: The WoT nor keyservers are not very important in my case. I use GnuPG inside a small group of people who (for identity verification) can talk to each other, at least by telephone. I do not use Enigmail (since limited to few mail clients and not accepted by sufficient of my recipients), but just send encrypted messages as attachments.

Best regards


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