On 03/07/2019 15:41, Stefan Claas via Gnupg-users wrote:
> O.k. but as understood it is in active development and I thought,
> even if it is the protocol, that it would be easier to fix issues
> in hockeypuck than in SKS, due to the fact that Golang is more
> modern and has a bigger programmers community.

Sure, but it doesn't help server operators until after those changes are
made. And because hockeypuck is currently ineligible to be a member of
any of the pools, operators migrating en masse to it will hasten the
pools' death. If you don't have one of the poisoned keys in your
keyring, there's nothing wrong with continuing to use the keyservers
(for now), so we shouldn't kill a service that's working just fine for
those people, not until we have a replacement.

Andrew Gallagher

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