From Elwin in Lloydminster, Alberta, Canada (visiting family)
July 22, 2019
Ryan & gnupg-users,
Concerning "Essay on PGP as it is used today"

When I went to the link it said it said,
    "The PGP Problem"
I searched and determined the author is unknown from from what I could
The Essay suggested a number of alternatives for private messaging.
The firstwas Signal. I downloaded it to my phone. Then the thought
came to me, "howsecure is signal? I looked for a short time and found
Signal Desktop Leaves Message Decryption Key in Plain Sight

Why would the nameless author of this essay suggest people use Signal
when anyone given access to a computer be able to just go into
unprotected directories 
and get the key to signal and open all past messages sent. Governments
love this feature.
The fact that the author can not be questioned because there is no way
to contact him/her 
is the first big clue someone is trying to crash the faith people have
in PGP or GnuPG. This 
has happened before to me. 

I went to an EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation) meeting  and a big
and tall guy came to 
me and told me that he had a way of Breaking PGP and told me he had
been working on a 
database program that made this possible and spouted off terms I had
never heard before. 
I turned around for a second or few and turned back and he was gone. I
searched the room 
 with my eyes and couldn't find him. I went to the outside door and
looked up and down the 
street to no avail. I went to the Intersection and looked around -
nothing. I went back inside, 
and I couldn't find him. I had questions.
Doubts flooded my mind. I went and looked at the fundamentals. The PGP
I am interested in 
is the PGP based on RSA because it cannot be broken using a very large
Prime number 
set that are multiplied together and assuming these numbers are in a
supply in the quadrillions 
times quadrillions. I have had a hobby of codes and ciphers and have
around 200 books on what 
most common people would consider the ways to write things they cannot
understand or even 
see. I was a subway train operator and Railroad brakeman for over 41
years then retired but 
am not a math wiz. If you had a multi processor computer like at
Laurence Livermore National 
Labs that can independently parallel process millions of possibilities
a second how long would 
it take to break one PGP RSA encoded/enciphered message.  So if there
are certain prime 
numbers that do not qualify to be used, how many numbers are left? So
you have one qualifying 
very large prime. 

You  go to a list of other very large prime numbers and separately use
each number with your 
first chosen very large prime number to make a key and test that key
against the message with 
the unknown key.  If nothing on the List pans out you choose the next
very large prime number 
and reuse the very large prime number list.  How many numbers make up
the very large prime 
number list?

 Sent using Hushmail 

On 7/16/2019 at 9:31 PM, "Ryan McGinnis via Gnupg-users"  wrote:More
than a bit critical, but a good read all the same.  Found on HN.

HN comment thread here:
-Ryan McGinnis 
PGP: 5C73 8727 EE58 786A 777C 4F1D B5AA 3FA3 486E D7AD
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