Ralph Seichter:
> * da...@gbenet.com:
>> I have three email accounts with their own keys - Enigmail does not
>> support this - you have to have one key and that's it.
> Nonsense! One can not only configure one PGP key per account (of which
> there can be many), one can even configure one key per identity. Each
> TB account can have multiplie identities; one of Thunderbird's killer
> features as far as I am concerned.
> Why you would lambast Enigmail for a non-problem, caused by you not
> configuring things properly, is beyond me.
> -Ralph
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I have had one key pair for over 20 years - for postmas...@gbenet.com
I decided to create another key pair last week for my website -

I set the settings to choose a key by email account select the key
manually. I then sent a encrypted and signed test message from
postmas...@gbenet.com to site-ad...@gbenet.com

The email arrived and I could read it - I had no need to decrypt it
because it was signed and encrypted to postmas...@gbenet.com

I then decided to reply - it selected postmasters key but refused to
sign the email - I entered the passphrase three times  all by hand the
same result.

Puzzled by this - I decided to take the checkbox out of picking the
right key for the email accounts of postmas...@gbenet.com and

I decided to send just an encrypted email to postmas...@gbenet.com from
site-ad...@gbenet.com "I can't find the key" even though I had selected
the  key - hmmmm.............. I tried then to just send a signed reeply
to postma...@gbenet.com not encrypted - the dialogue box popped up to
enter the passphrase for site-ad...@gbenet.com - again it refused to
accept the passphrase for site-ad...@gbenet.com

Oh and I created a new key pair for da...@gbenet.com which are
completely useless. I  tried with all three keys - the only key to work
is my postmas...@gbenet.com which I've used in Thunderbird and Enigmail
for over 20 years.

And after each of these config changes in Enigmail and Thunderbird I
shut down Thunderbird deleted all the caches and rebooted my laptop.

The results were all consistent:
Enigmail will only work with ONE Key.
It does not recognise any other key than the first key that was created.

I'd like to use my da...@gbenet.com key here - some ages ago complained
I was using postmas...@gbenet.com's key to sign emails. I thought it
woulld be a good idea to have a key for this email account. BUT I can
not use it - I can not sign emails.

You moan - but offer no solutions. I can think of only one possible
solution that will work delete site-admin's key pair - delete david's
key pair and go back to what Thunderbird and Enigmail are happy with one
key pair from postmas...@gbenet.com

To be frank your comments are just like a bad fart - then they go away.
You don't think perhaps can not think - your not too smart as to offer
any solution.



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