On Thu 1 Aug, 2019, 9:20 PM Werner Koch, <w...@gnupg.org> wrote:

> On Fri, 26 Jul 2019 15:57, gnupg-users@gnupg.org said:
> > Where can I find information on what commands are supported by
> > S.gpg-agent and S.gpg-agent.extra socket? I am looking for some
> > information which clearly differentiates these two sockets.
> Here is an overview on the allowed commands for the S.gpg-agent.extra
> and S.gpg-agent.browser.  Only the commands required for perform a
> signature creation or a decryption are possible via these sockets.  It is
> for example not possible to list all known keys or to create a key.
> | Command           | Allowed | Comment |
> |-------------------+---------+---------|
> | GETEVENTCOUNTER   | no      |         |
> | ISTRUSTED         | yes     |         |
> | HAVEKEY           | yes     |         |
> | KEYINFO           | no      |         |
> | SIGKEY            | yes     |         |
> | SETKEY            | yes     |         |
> | SETKEYDESC        | yes     |         |
> | SETHASH           | yes     |         |
> | PKSIGN            | yes     |         |
> | PKDECRYPT         | yes     |         |
> | GENKEY            | no      |         |
> | READKEY           | no      |         |
> | GET_PASSPHRASE    | no      |         |
> | PRESET_PASSPHRASE | no      |         |
> | CLEAR_PASSPHRASE  | no      |         |
> | GET_CONFIRMATION  | no      |         |
> | LISTTRUSTED       | no      |         |
> | MARKTRUSTED       | no      |         |
> | LEARN             | no      |         |
> | PASSWD            | no      |         |
> | SCD               | no      |         |
> | KEYWRAP_KEY       | no      |         |
> | IMPORT_KEY        | no      |         |
> | EXPORT_KEY        | no      |         |
> | DELETE_KEY        | no      |         |
> | GET_SECRET        | no      |         |
> | PUT_SECRET        | no      |         |
> | GETVAL            | no      |         |
> | PUTVAL            | no      |         |
> | UPDATESTARTUPTTY  | no      |         |
> | KILLAGENT         | no      |         |
> | RELOADAGENT       | no      |         |
> | KEYTOCARD         | no      |         |
> | GETINFO           | no      | see 1   |
> | OPTION            | no      | see 2   |
> |-------------------+---------+---------|
> 1) except for the sub-commands:
>    "version", "cmd_has_option", "s2k_count", "restricted".
> 2) except for the option:
>    "agent-awareness"
Thank you Werner!!

Vijai Kumar K

> Salam-Shalom,
>    Werner
> --
> Die Gedanken sind frei.  Ausnahmen regelt ein Bundesgesetz.
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