On 12/08/2019 12:25, Juergen Bruckner via Gnupg-users wrote:
> Thats pretty interesting, but the author also says he did this as showcase.
> Nontheless, its not really good to have such a tool "in the wild", and
> even on a plattform like GitHub
> regards
> Juergen
> Am 11.08.19 um 23:47 schrieb Anonymous Remailer (austria):
>> https://github.com/skeeto/pgp-poisoner
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To be frank - putting this code on Github whist demonstrating a point -
was foolish - it put's the code out into the wild - and some silly smart
arse is going to play.

It also begs the question - who did the attacks on SKS keyservers? "I
have katana and I just wanted to demonstrate cutting people's head's of
because I can." But am not going to accept the responsibility and be
accountable for my actions. Such a position is untenable in Law and in

There are hundreds of thousands of people globally who are employed paid
by their respective intelligence agencies to write malicious code. They
hide behind the fact that they are paid - it's just a day-time 9 to 5
job - and have no sense of responsibility or accountability working in
contravention of their own countries laws.

Now you have put the code into the public domain - to prove a point? The
justification and points hardly support an ethical just standpoint. To
say that this was in practice and common knowledge for years - it's new
to me and many thousands of pgp users. Many thousands of people got
infected - and had no thought to back up their king rings and have to
start all over again.

Just because one can develop a nuclear bomb - it proves real stupidity
to drop it on an unsuspecting public.

Be Happy!


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