On 17.09.2019 15:08, Vincent Breitmoser wrote:
>> but as far as I have understood my communication with Vincent, it's such IDs
>> which are a problem for keys.openpgp.org.
> Right, that's because we currently use an actual rfc2822 parser on
> keys.openpgp.org. This works fine for *most* users, but in the end causes more
> trouble than it's worth, so we will probably switch to something more lenient
> soon.
> See also dkg's thoughts on the matter on the openpgp-wg mailing list, to align
> the specification with reality:
> https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/openpgp/wNo27-0STfGR9JZSlC7s6OYOJkI

Thank you very much for the link. That was an interesting reading. There
are much more differences between IDs in the wild and RFC2822 than I
ever would have suspected.

Did I get this right? That post has been published just yesterday? Glad
that I noticed this just in time - I already was typing "Does anybody
know how widespread those proposals are, and which one has won?" :-)



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