The Documentation pages on should be updated to let users
(especially new users) know which information there is out of date.

Users are encouraged to use GnuPG version 2. Put yourself in the position
of a new user. You visit the Documentation menu on the home page (already a
bit overwhelming -- HOWTOs, Manuals, Guides, ...) and go to HOWTOs. It says
up front, "You may get the best overview about the GnuPG system by reading
the mini HOWTO ..." great. Except that the Mini Howto (in English, at
least) is from 2004, two years before the release of GnuPG 2.0.0. This will
often be the first doc new users will read, and it will be misleading.

1. I think there should be a notice near the top of that says something like this:
"The mini HOWTO is out-of date and documents an older version of GnuPG. For
more up-to-date documentation, please see ..."

2. "HOWTOs" should be moved to a lower spot in the Documentation menu on
the website.

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