On Tue, 18 Feb 2020 20:19, Eric Linner said:

> update files and decrypt them on the target system. However, I'm
> having trouble building GnuPG for QNX 7. My development environment is
> Windows 10 and the target is x86 running 64-bit QNX 7. QNX supposedly
> has some support for cross compiling GNU projects but I haven't been
> able to successfully build and QNX has not been very helpful when I

My knowledge of QNX is a bit rusty since I worked on it in the 80ies.
IIRC, it is for a long time now a standard Unix system and thus there
should be no major problems to port GnuPG to QNX.

Our build environment is designed to be run on a Unix system and for
other platforms we prefer to cross-compile.  Native building does only
require standard Unix tools along with an C-90 compiler with a few C99

Porting to a new platform always involves evaluating entropy sources for
the random number generator.  Our basic Unix entropy gathering code
supports QNX but it has probably not been checked in a long time and it
might be better to make use of system or CPU provided entropy sources.



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