Szczepan Zalega | Nitrokey via Gnupg-users wrote:

> On 4/27/20 3:15 PM, Stefan Claas wrote:
> > maybe interesting for some of you.
> > 
> > I just noticed that, after installing Golang under Termux
> > that Termux has also GnuPG already installed.
> > 
> >
> > 
> > Would people recommend using pure GnuPG on a smartphone,
> > compared to a (compromised?) PC?
> > 
> > I ask, because I have not read yet what attacks (remotely)
> > are possible with smartphones, to obtain the secret keys.
> > 
> > Any pointers to articles would be very welcome!
> > 
> Hi!
> I would not keep the secrets on the mobile, but rather offload the
> computation to a simple device and communicate via USB/NFC. Reason is
> that this is a complicated communication device, which has a big attack
> surface.
> Here is a fresh remote code exploitation done over Bluetooth for Android
> 8/9 [1]. Fix was released in February 2020 as far as I see.
> In the past there were some issues with the WiFi as well AFAIR.
> [1]

Thanks for the info, much appreciated!

I see in your address 'Nitrokey' and I was wondering (I have USB on my Samsung
A40) that a Nitrokey USB device would work properly with my Termux set-up, i.e.
Nitrokey drivers which must be detected via Termux, so that it would work?

Are you aware of if this was ever been tested?


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