On Fri 29/May/2020 12:29:48 +0200 Stefan Claas wrote:
> Binarus wrote:
>> On 28.05.2020 23:21, Stefan Claas wrote:
>>> while it is not my business, I do not understand why you have to
>>> take care about the Thunderbird issue, as a users and not the
>>> Aufsichtsbehörde ... If for example you have a job at the
>>> Aufsichtsbehörde then ok, like I said, I would contact gnupg.com and
>>> ask them if GnuPG Desktop (A Windows app) fits for your working
>>> environment and in case not what they would suggest, because the
>>> Aufsichtsbehörde should have IMHO funds to issue a professional
>>> licensed working solution for their employees.
>>> In case you only have to deal as a gpg4win user with the
>>> Aufsichtsbehörde via email, then I don't understand how would they
>>> detect if you would not comply by using later the new Thunderbird,
>>> without BSI approval.
>> This is not my field, but I believe that (besides authorities) there
>> are companies or other institutions which *must* use certified
>> encryption solutions. Some ideas:
> [...]
> Yes, understand. But then if those institutions have no funds or
> are not willing to invested in their IT security infrastructure
> then they may ask the BSI how to proceed. Maybe the BSI has funds
> to let gnupg.com develope a custom Windows solution for them.
> The other option would be that the OP and others continue using
> their current Thunderbird/Enigmail/gpg4win setup.

Any chance that the BSI will approve the RNP library that Thunderbird is going
to use?


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