On 6/18/20 9:33 AM, Stefan Claas wrote:
> ... you should try this out in your terminal and look at the beginning
> of the output:
> $ echo 1fccaf3d | xxd -r -p | openssl dgst -sha256 -binary | openssl enc
> -base64
> :-)
> P.S. A friend of mine came up with a shell script to do this.
> Regards
> Stefan

Is getting those first 5 characters into the output of this string
really that amazing? Or am i missing something significant about what
the rest of the seemingly random characters represent?

spoiler, my output was:


   somewhat confused,

Charlie Derr   Director, Instructional Technology 413-528-7344
https://www.simons-rock.edu Bard College at Simon's Rock
Encryption key: http://hope.simons-rock.edu/~cderr/
Personal writing: https://medium.com/@cderr
pronouns: either he/him or they/them is acceptable
Home landline: 860-435-1427

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