> Dieter Frye wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> > curious as I am, If I understand it right, you use Windows XP
>> > with Becky as MUA for GnuPG or would like to use it with the
>> > lastest version of GnuPG?
>> Howdy.
>> So yes, I'm using Becky! as a MUA + an outdated GnuPG plugin on Windows
>> XP, but functionality is somewhat crippled for anything other than GnuPG
>> v1.4.
>> > Your posting is done via secmail.pro, a Tor email provider,
>> > which requires AFAIK Tor Browser Bundle to access the service.
>> > My question, if you don't mind, does the lastest Tor Browser
>> > Bundle still supports Windows XP and how do you use Becky
>> > with secmail.pro?
>> Nope, they dropped support for XP (specifically the browser part) a
>> while
>> ago, which thing never really affected me since I use a third party
>> browser which I interface with the "expert bundle" exe that they
>> continue
>> to distribute. Of course, that's an gross oversimplification of what's
>> actually going on this computer, but you catch my drift.
>> As far as secmail.pro is concerned, it's not possible to use it with
>> Becky! because there's no server-side support for SMTP, POP3 or IMAP, so
>> I'm writing directly from semail's web interface.
> Ah, ok, thanks for the information!
You're welcome.

>> Unfortunately since practically every single internet service in
>> existence
>> (be it mail, fora or otherwise) has been in bed with the worldwide
>> private
>> data collection operation going on right now (lookup PRISM and the
>> ShadowGate documentary) it's no longer possible (and so it's been for
>> nearly a decade now) to anonymously register any type of account
>> anywhere,
>> meaning I'm technically shunned from the Internet and it's nothing short
>> of a miracle that I'm able to post here at all. I'm actually shocked
>> this
>> place hasn't been hijacked by vpn-hating cloudflare and the google
>> captcha
>> nazis because that's true everywhere else.
> Yes, it is not easy nowadays. Besides cryptography anonymous communication
> is also a hobby of mine, since the early cypherpunk days and I always look
> for new ways to archive that. I did recently some experiments with some
> well
> known wannabe anonymous email services and how to register with them
> anonymously,
> so that their security checks can be bypassed. Currently I focus on
> anonymous
> communications in combination with offline devices, to protect better
> against
> Pegasus, FinFisher and other crap.
Neat. I was still able to use one my old "nym.aliased" gmx with
Quicksilvermail like 8 years ago or whatever it was. Eventually most if
not all public remailers went belly up, and gmx, just like every other
internet service I had been using for years at that point, stone cold
cancelled my account as I refused to comply to their new "privacy
policies" where I'd have been required to hand over my personal
information for no legitimate reason at all. What a bunch of creeps.

Now touching on private communications in general, there's this one place
left most people never heard of called Freenet, specifically the FMS fora
(usenet-style compatible with NNTP clients and all) operating within,
which's completely free, decentralized, anonymous and fully censorship/DOS
resistant. Definitely worth checking out and telling others about.

BitMessage appears to be a somewhat solid alternative to FMS if you can't
really be online regularly, but it's got nowhere near the level of

>> Currently I use another free, anonymous e-mail service called TorBox
>> which
>> does have SMTP/POP3 support for everyday communications, though that's
>> only viable for people operating within the TOR network as it's got no
>> clearweb support unlike secmail itself, which at the end of the day is
>> kind of a useless thing anyways given it's blacklisted status (and that
>> completely without justification) among most every big and small e-mail
>> provider out there.
> Yes, blacklisting small providers is not nice, but at least users can
> purchase a cheap VPS server and run their own mail server, which adds
> decentralization to the email world.
> Regards
> Stefan
Unfortunately the main issue for me is being able to communicate with the
outside world, and most of this problem can be traced back to society in
general having an obstinate pathological aversion towards privacy that
cannot be explained away without looking into the recent history of
soviet-style psyops unleashed in the western world.

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