On Thu, 18 Mar 2021 13:57, Nick Cripps said:

> I'm trying to encrypt and sign a large file. It takes a while to do this,
> and I then do other things while this is happening. It then completes and
> presumably asks me for my key passphrase, but I miss this and it times out,

I know this problem but there is no good solution for this.  We could
hack around it for on-disk keys but as soon as a smartcard is used, that
smartcard may want a PIN in any case and thus any delayed cache expiring
won't help.

> How can I configure this timeout?


pinentry-timeout 3600

into gpg.agent.conf for a one hour timeout:

    This option asks the Pinentry to timeout after n seconds with no
    user input.  The default value of 0 does not ask the pinentry to
    timeout, however a Pinentry may use its own default timeout value
    in this case.  A Pinentry may or may not honor this request.



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