Hi everyone,

I have heard of Web Key Directory and the many benefits it has over the
traditional keyserver approach and want to try setting it up for my personal

I believe that I understand the directory structure and how you would set it up
but ran into a problem with gpg-wks-client when trying to follow the
instructions in the wiki (https://wiki.gnupg.org/WKDHosting).

When I ran the gpg-wks-client command specified on that wiki page, I noticed 
that the software generated the directories, policy files and created the key 
files but that the vast majority of those exported key files were empty.
This happened using gnupg version 2.2.29, installed from archlinux's official
repositories via pacman.

For the purposes of debugging, I will attach the output of 
'gpg --with-wkd-hash -k @jotoho.de', a directory listing of the hu-directories
created by gpg-wks-client, the output of the gpg-wks-client command and the
three keys I attempted to export into WKD.

Does anyone know what may have gone wrong? Is there any additional information I
can provide to help with tracking down what I presume to be a bug?

Thanks in advance.

Jonas Hopusch
pub   rsa4096/4C6E404513ED90C9 2019-06-20 [SC] [verfällt: 2021-10-18]
  Schl.-Fingerabdruck = 53B1 B68B 5081 F3AE C906  709E 4C6E 4045 13ED 90C9
uid              [ ultimativ ] Jonas Tobias Hopusch (This is my personal master 
key, which signs all my other keys) <master-...@jotoho.de>
uid              [ ultimativ ] Jonas Tobias Hopusch (Software-signing identity) 
sub   rsa4096/31EB56623DB25CC8 2019-06-20 [A] [verfällt: 2021-10-18]
sub   rsa4096/2E42A2D974F4EE83 2019-06-20 [E] [verfällt: 2021-10-18]
sub   rsa4096/2D79D7D95F0D29ED 2019-12-17 [S] [verfällt: 2021-10-18]
sub   rsa4096/053B9DA04C5AC0A5 2019-12-17 [S] [verfällt: 2021-10-18]

pub   rsa4096/612F3350DB59D359 2021-01-27 [C] [verfällt: 2024-01-27]
  Schl.-Fingerabdruck = 1F42 EF02 BE3E 6FE8 F624  C8BC 612F 3350 DB59 D359
uid              [vollständig]  (Domain owner of jotoho.de) 
uid              [vollständig]  (Primary contact for web-related issues with 
jotoho.de) <webmas...@jotoho.de>
uid              [vollständig]  (Primary contact for networking-issues with 
jotoho.de) <n...@jotoho.de>
uid              [vollständig]  (Primary contact for email-related issues with 
jotoho.de) <postmas...@jotoho.de>
uid              [vollständig]  (Primary contact for security issues with 
jotoho.de) <secur...@jotoho.de>
uid              [vollständig]  (Primary contact for abuse of/from jotoho.de 
servers & services) <ab...@jotoho.de>
sub   rsa4096/15013ADE96502164 2021-01-27 [SE] [verfällt: 2024-01-27]

pub   rsa4096/16128FBFDB6214C9 2021-07-19 [C] [verfällt: 2024-07-18]
  Schl.-Fingerabdruck = 5610 5D31 5120 E79B 34C4  D395 1612 8FBF DB62 14C9
uid              [vollständig] Gitea Automation (Signing Key for automatically 
created commits and tags on https://gitea.jotoho.de) <autos...@gitea.jotoho.de>
sub   rsa4096/B8405128B0847FE1 2021-07-19 [S] [verfällt: 2024-07-18]

insgesamt 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonas jonas 0 31. Jul 17:31 sfno47rsgbbjwjk5zcdmrczcmdrdhbkr

insgesamt 24K
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonas jonas    0 31. Jul 17:31 17o8za5yunot7q6wddwcs4jqodngre8t
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonas jonas    0 31. Jul 17:31 88fb3b9rrzeapqdf3kodtkfenu7c41b7
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonas jonas    0 31. Jul 17:31 e1bxuz5fmgbtjxtngwnb56rnahtt48ij
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonas jonas 8,3K 31. Jul 17:31 e5a4bxki1ktx1jncwco5nkcofedmkxod
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonas jonas    0 31. Jul 17:31 kd39y8fkyw5j8uubuicshffo9hhodk4j
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonas jonas    0 31. Jul 17:31 n85z5mkjgfstw6o6r3t97pjamdsptfsi
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonas jonas 8,3K 31. Jul 17:31 of4qcqetg5z8oa1uscqcz7uehu4sr9g3
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonas jonas    0 31. Jul 17:31 t5s8ztdbon8yzntexy6oz5y48etqsnbb
gpg-wks-client: gpg: Anzahl insgesamt bearbeiteter Schlüssel: 1
gpg-wks-client: using key with user id 'Jonas Tobias Hopusch (This is my 
personal master key, which signs all my other keys) <master-...@jotoho.de>'
gpg-wks-client: gpg: Anzahl insgesamt bearbeiteter Schlüssel: 1
gpg-wks-client: directory './jotoho.de' created
gpg-wks-client: directory './jotoho.de/hu' created
gpg-wks-client: policy file './jotoho.de/policy' created
gpg-wks-client: key 53B1B68B5081F3AEC906709E4C6E404513ED90C9 published for 
gpg-wks-client: gpg: Anzahl insgesamt bearbeiteter Schlüssel: 1
gpg-wks-client: using key with user id 'Jonas Tobias Hopusch (Software-signing 
identity) <g...@jotoho.de>'
gpg-wks-client: gpg: Anzahl insgesamt bearbeiteter Schlüssel: 1
gpg-wks-client: key 53B1B68B5081F3AEC906709E4C6E404513ED90C9 published for 
gpg-wks-client: gpg: Anzahl insgesamt bearbeiteter Schlüssel: 1
gpg-wks-client: using key with user id '(Domain owner of jotoho.de) 
gpg-wks-client: gpg: Schlüssel 612F3350DB59D359: Keine gültigen User-IDs
gpg-wks-client: gpg: Anzahl insgesamt bearbeiteter Schlüssel: 1
gpg-wks-client: gpg:                            ohne User-ID: 1
gpg-wks-client: key 1F42EF02BE3E6FE8F624C8BC612F3350DB59D359 published for 
gpg-wks-client: gpg: Anzahl insgesamt bearbeiteter Schlüssel: 1
gpg-wks-client: using key with user id '(Primary contact for web-related issues 
with jotoho.de) <webmas...@jotoho.de>'
gpg-wks-client: gpg: Schlüssel 612F3350DB59D359: Keine gültigen User-IDs
gpg-wks-client: gpg: Anzahl insgesamt bearbeiteter Schlüssel: 1
gpg-wks-client: gpg:                            ohne User-ID: 1
gpg-wks-client: key 1F42EF02BE3E6FE8F624C8BC612F3350DB59D359 published for 
gpg-wks-client: gpg: Anzahl insgesamt bearbeiteter Schlüssel: 1
gpg-wks-client: using key with user id '(Primary contact for networking-issues 
with jotoho.de) <n...@jotoho.de>'
gpg-wks-client: gpg: Schlüssel 612F3350DB59D359: Keine gültigen User-IDs
gpg-wks-client: gpg: Anzahl insgesamt bearbeiteter Schlüssel: 1
gpg-wks-client: gpg:                            ohne User-ID: 1
gpg-wks-client: key 1F42EF02BE3E6FE8F624C8BC612F3350DB59D359 published for 
gpg-wks-client: gpg: Anzahl insgesamt bearbeiteter Schlüssel: 1
gpg-wks-client: using key with user id '(Primary contact for email-related 
issues with jotoho.de) <postmas...@jotoho.de>'
gpg-wks-client: gpg: Schlüssel 612F3350DB59D359: Keine gültigen User-IDs
gpg-wks-client: gpg: Anzahl insgesamt bearbeiteter Schlüssel: 1
gpg-wks-client: gpg:                            ohne User-ID: 1
gpg-wks-client: key 1F42EF02BE3E6FE8F624C8BC612F3350DB59D359 published for 
gpg-wks-client: gpg: Anzahl insgesamt bearbeiteter Schlüssel: 1
gpg-wks-client: using key with user id '(Primary contact for security issues 
with jotoho.de) <secur...@jotoho.de>'
gpg-wks-client: gpg: Schlüssel 612F3350DB59D359: Keine gültigen User-IDs
gpg-wks-client: gpg: Anzahl insgesamt bearbeiteter Schlüssel: 1
gpg-wks-client: gpg:                            ohne User-ID: 1
gpg-wks-client: key 1F42EF02BE3E6FE8F624C8BC612F3350DB59D359 published for 
gpg-wks-client: gpg: Anzahl insgesamt bearbeiteter Schlüssel: 1
gpg-wks-client: using key with user id '(Primary contact for abuse of/from 
jotoho.de servers & services) <ab...@jotoho.de>'
gpg-wks-client: gpg: Schlüssel 612F3350DB59D359: Keine gültigen User-IDs
gpg-wks-client: gpg: Anzahl insgesamt bearbeiteter Schlüssel: 1
gpg-wks-client: gpg:                            ohne User-ID: 1
gpg-wks-client: key 1F42EF02BE3E6FE8F624C8BC612F3350DB59D359 published for 
gpg-wks-client: gpg: Anzahl insgesamt bearbeiteter Schlüssel: 1
gpg-wks-client: using key with user id 'Gitea Automation (Signing Key for 
automatically created commits and tags on https\x3a//gitea.jotoho.de) 
gpg-wks-client: gpg: Schlüssel 16128FBFDB6214C9: Keine gültigen User-IDs
gpg-wks-client: gpg: Anzahl insgesamt bearbeiteter Schlüssel: 1
gpg-wks-client: gpg:                            ohne User-ID: 1
gpg-wks-client: directory './gitea.jotoho.de' created
gpg-wks-client: directory './gitea.jotoho.de/hu' created
gpg-wks-client: policy file './gitea.jotoho.de/policy' created
gpg-wks-client: key 56105D315120E79B34C4D39516128FBFDB6214C9 published for 

Attachment: key1.gpg
Description: Binary data

Attachment: key2.gpg
Description: Binary data

Attachment: key3.gpg
Description: Binary data

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