Good morning,

I'm sorry this question has already been posted on the mailing list, but the 
existing answers are a little out of date and I'm looking forward to updated 
advice from security experts on this. What is the safest/most reliable way to 
get GnuPG as a command line application on macOS?

I know it can be found with either 1) GPG Tools, 2) GnuPG for OS X, or 3) one 
of the package managers. GPG Tools is most often recommended, but this may be 
due to GUI integration. Its drawback is that it offers the LTS instead of the 
stable version.

I appreciate Ralph Seichter's work on the GnuPG for OS X project, but his GPG 
2.3.8 package uses Libksba 1.6.0, which was recently announced to have security 
vulnerabilities. I can say it did not instill confidence in me. :)

Finally, Homebrew, but not MacPorts/Fink, has GnuPG 2.3 in its repository. But 
I've read that even popular package managers are prone to supply chain attacks 
if they don't ship with the OS itself.

Compared to Unix, there may be no perfect option to safely obtain GPG 2.3 on 
macOS other than compiling it yourself, but recommendations on how to do it in 
the best way (including possible mitigations and countermeasures) are 

Many thanks,

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