On Sun,  9 Apr 2023 19:13, John Scott said:

> You're a genius! I actually had a hard time getting Scute 1.7.0 to
> compile, so I built it from Git instead and everything worked
> flawlessly! I was even able to sign a PDF :)

FWIW, we are even working on Poppler to integrate GnuPG without the need
for Scute.  This required a few updates to GnuPG and thus 2.4.1 will
soon be released.

I am sorry, for the Debian troubles - we actually had 2.3 in Sid already
2 years ago.  AFAICS the problem is that the Debian maintainer seems to
be in a conflict between being Sequoia contributor and maintainer,
OpenPGP WG Chair and also long time GnuPG maintainer.



The pioneers of a warless world are the youth that
refuse military service.             - A. Einstein

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