Johan Wevers via Gnupg-users wrote:
On 2023-04-30 14:58, Andrew Gallagher via Gnupg-users wrote:

The danger of an “ignore ADK” option is that it gives a false sense of 
security. It is already possible for an employer to require escrow of the 
decryption subkeys of their employees - ADK actually makes this process more 

That might be, but it is nowhere certain that this escrow will happen,
especially if they roll out adk's. Not providing such an option might be
a case where the perfect is the enemy of the good: it might not be a
perfect solution but it can be better than the alternative.

Besides, this is begging for GnuPG forks to arise, and if those forks
are well implemented remains to be seen.

Maybe the best option here is an "--override-encryption-target KEYGRIP/SUBKEYGRIP" option, repeatable to encrypt to multiple specific subkeys of the same or different PGP keys, which is why it requires both a keygrip and a subkeygrip. This would also allow encrypting to some ADKs while ignoring others and resolve the demands for an "ignore ADK" option.

ADKs seem particularly valuable to me as a solution to the "group inbox" problem that avoids actually sharing private key material: simply attach encryption subkeys for all recipients to the "group inbox" certificate. This requires publishing new certificates when the recipient list changes and discloses the recipient list to some extent, but that is the trade-off for end-to-end security in this context. Could a "--notify-ADK-encrypt" option that could be placed in the configuration file be appropriate to address user concerns about possible improper proliferation of ADKs? Should a notification that an ADK was used actually be default? After all, there are legitimate uses for ADKs, but an ADK turning up where not expected could be a strong hint that you have a bogus certificate.

I would also note that, for a work email system in an environment where there is a legal or quasi-legal requirement (not uncommon in finance) to archive messages, simply dropping any incoming message not decryptable with the archive ADK as spam would be reasonable. Since the primary concern motivating message archival in this example is deterring insider trading, simply not allowing unreadable messages to be delivered accomplishes the same objective.

-- Jacob

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